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A member registered Jun 19, 2021

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Hello Zark! Such and amazing (and unique) game you have done so far!

 I noticed that the note chart gets drastically faster mid-game. When it gets fast, it kinda messes up the offset too (at least it looks like, because I can't hold a 15+ combo when it changes even it I follow the correct rythm of the music) and I can't reach full combo :'(

For example, if i select it to be played at speed 6 and check this number again after playing, it will be another speed. Is it actually programmed that way?

And also, why are there three colors to be selected on the menu? Do they change something on the gameplay?


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How do you get the flower arrangement on the update 0.39? Is it an item?

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Hey GigaSaddle, what's the purpose of the "Simulacrum" story added to your game? Is it like a side story? Do you pretend to finish that route too?

Does anyone knows how can you get possible sex scenes with Ruben?

I've found that he has a naked sprite, but I don't know how to get that in game. (

Does someone knows if the story of the game changes if I stay in a monogamous relationship with only one of the characters? Like, only getting hearts with just one character and rejecting others "invites"?

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Thank you so much! 

Can someone explain how do I get the Bentley's Medallion? I know it is on the south munbury cave but I don't know where, and I'm tired of searching there!

Also, how do I enter on that blocked secret passage on the Emerine Golem's cave? The game says I need to gain their trust, but how?